Geeksters – Episode 39


This week the boys talk about releases of the week, nerd news and there spoiler free review of “Man of Steel”. The review reveals that one of the Geeksters! like the movie and one did not. They also talk about the return of a past segment of their show which might return. This podcast was recorded on Tuesday June 18th, 2013.

Geeksters – Episode 38


This week the boys talk DVD releases, news and now that Ed has finally seen the season ending of Doctor Who and have they’re first on air argument on what it means. You don’t want to miss this one people! Oh and we tease or E3 special on how Sony bitch slapped Microsoft. This podcast was recorded on Tuesday June 11th,2013.

Geeksters – Episode 34B Super Secret Spoiler Heavy!


In this SECOND bonus Geeksters! episode, the boys, along with Dave, talk about “Star Trek: Into Darkness” filled with SPOILERS! So be warned geeks and geekettes… DON’T LISTEN UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE MOVIE OR YOU DON’T CARE IF IT’S SPOILED…OR HAVE AN ATTENTION SPAN LIKE THAT DOG FROM ‘UP’ “SO NO MATTER WHAT WE SAY YOU’LL FORGET IT IN LIKE TEN MINUTES AFTER LISTENING TO………OOOOOOOO SQUIRREL!” This podcast was recorded on Monday May 20th, 2013.