Geeksters – Episode 343


In this week’s episode of Geeksters! as usual we start off talking about our week. Shawn talked about watching the new “Twilight Zone” series on CBS All Access. Ed talked about seeing seven movies to watch before playing the video game “Cyberpunk 2077” according to the YouTube Channel YM Search. We then bring you the 5 Top Movies of the Week plus Releases of the Week in Movies, TV and Video Games and then it is time for Shawn’s Nerd News. We start off talking about the “Battlestar Galactica” reboot is not a reboot and we also discussed buff actor Joe Manganiello defending “Dungeons and Dragons” players. We also discussed more casting news rumors that Jonah Hill will be in “The Batman” and we also discussed who is missing in the cast of Arrow-verse’s “Crisis on Multiple Earths” plus more. This podcast was recorded on Sunday October 6th, 2019.

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