Geeksters – Episode 428


In this week’s episode of Geeksters! the boys start off talking about their week. Shawn talks about the shoppers coming to his store for this time of year and what he has been doing on his PS5. Ed talked about continuing watching Terry Gilliam movies with the movie “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” and a he also watched a movie that was released early from Releases’ of the Week. We then bring you the Releases of the Week in Movies, TV and Video Games and then it is time for Nerd News. In this week’s Nerd News we start off talking about Charlie Cox’s future in the MCU and we also discussed the future of a Netflix show “Cowboy Bebop” that was just released. We then talked about what Tom Holland ask the Punisher to do before a take and we also discussed what Shawn saw in the Game Awards plus so much more. This podcast was recorded on Sunday December 12th, 2021.

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