Geeksters – Episode 372


In this week’s episode of Geeksters! the boys start off talking about their week. Ed talks about his latest media purchases and seeing the animated movie “Heavenly Sword”. Shawn talks about purchasing a television that will change his TV watching experience and he also talked about seeing the movie “The Circle”. We then bring you the Releases of the Week in Movies, TV and Video Games and then it is time for Nerd News. In this week’s Nerd News we start off talking about Karl Urban being in a Star Wars movie and we also discussed a possibility of a TV show of a comic book character that both Karl Urban and Sylvester Stallone have played in the movies. We also discussed the big story of the week about the live action movie “Mulan” and we also discussed a rumor that Ben Affleck can not come to a movie premiere because of his popularity plus more. This podcast was recorded on Sunday August 9th, 2020.

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