Geeksters – Episode 335


In this week’s episode of Geeksters! as usual we start off talking about our week. Shawn talked about seeing “Stranger Things” season 3 on Netflix. Ed talked about the limitations of scanning bar codes with the movie app Vudu. We then bring you the 5 Movies This Week. We then brought you Releases of the Week in Movies. TV and Video Games, then it is time for Shawn’s Nerd News. We start off talking about CBS All Access rebooting a TV mini series from the 90’s from a book by Stephen King and we also talked about who the director of “Spider-Man: Far from Home” wants as the next villain for the movie sequel. We also discussed “X-Men: Dark Phoenix” receiving a record that they should not be proud to receive and we also discussed who will reboot and star in the new “Saw” movies plus more. This podcast was recorded on Sunday July 14th, 2019.

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