Geeksters – Episode 327


In this week’s episode of Geeksters! we start off talking about our week. Ed talked about joining WW (formerly Weight Watchers). Shawn talks about catching up on television and later in the podcast we remember his birthday and what he did to celebrate his birthday. We talk about the Thursday night movie “Creed II”. We then bring you the Releases of the Week in Movies, TV and Video Games, then it is time for Shawn’s Nerd News. We start off talking about why some brick and mortar stores will not sell the next generation of Xbox One and we also talked about what superhero beat up a pedophile. We also discussed another superhero asking to help in a armed stand off and we also discuss the future of Star Wars movies that changes the future of Avatar sequels plus more. This podcast was recorded on Sunday May 12th, 2019.

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