Geeksters – Episode 322


In this week’s episode of Geeksters! we start as usual talking about our week. Shawn talks about seeing the movie “Captain Marvel” and Ed talked getting Netflix and watching “Love, Death and Robots”. We then bring you the Releases of the Week in Movies, TV and Video Games and then it is time for Shawn’s Nerd News. We started off with talking about a New Jersey high school performing a play of a 40 year old movie that the director of the movie gives them money to do an encore and we also talked about Comcast spending 50 million for the first Arena that gamers would be excited about. We also talked about Brad Pitt and Edward Norton reminisce about the initial reaction from a film they did together 20 years ago when it came out in theaters and we also find out the status of Ezra Miller future with the DC “Flash” character plus more. This podcast was recorded on Sunday March 31st, 2019.

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