Geeksters – Episode 312


In this episode of Geeksters! we start as usual talking about our weeks. Ed talked about seeing the movie “Mary Poppins Returns”, Shawn talked about seeing the movies “Aquaman” and “Spider-man: Into the Spider-Verse”. We then bring you the Releases of the Week in Movies, TV and Video Games. Shawn reviews the game “Onrush” and then it is time for Shawn’s Nerd News. We started off with talking about Kevin Feige knowing when he can incorporate Marvel Characters from the Fox acquisition and we also discussed what is the status on the Disney acquisition on Fox properties. We discuss Todd McFarland movie plans for his version of “Spawn” and we also discussed Jordan Peele interested in making a live action movie from a “Disney” cartoon TV series from the 90’s plus more. This podcast was recorded on Sunday January 6th, 2019.

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